The Hpv Vaccine Can Prevent Cancer So Why Isn’t It Free For Canadians?

Canada Global(Web News)Cervical cancer is the fastest growing cancer among women in Canada and is the fourth most common form among women worldwide. Effective, but it comes at a high cost for many people.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in Canada, with more than 75% of sexually active adults estimated to have contracted it at some point in their lives. Develop. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, it is the main cause of cervical cancer as well as cancer of the anus, vagina, vulvar, penis, and mouth and throat

. has happened While some are publicly funded, many have to pay the cost, which is usually around $600.
In Canada, HPV vaccination is recommended for all women aged nine to 45 and men aged nine to 26.
It’s publicly funded through school-based programs across Canada, but the quality of free meals depends on which province you live. This is because the vaccine is most effective when given during the pre-adolescent years
. presents Similarly, the Northwest Territories covers vaccines for students in grades four and six and up to age 26.

But in Ontario, the vaccine is offered publicly only to students in seventh grade and grade school, and through the end of grade 12.

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