Canadians’ concern over COVID-19 has waned

Canada Global (Web News) According to a new poll, the majority of Canadians are still concerned about COVID-19, but their concerns have mellowed and vary depending on age, between December 14 and 16, 2022, 61% of the 1,004 adults polled believe COVID-19 is a concern, and 70% disagree that the virus “is not a big deal.”

Sean Simpson, senior vice-president of Ipsos, claims that there used to be a strong agreement among Canadians in favour of robust public health policies and high levels of concern.

There was a general consensus two years ago, which makes the evolution of the disease and the public’s perception of it very fascinating.

Two years ago, there was a general consensus in Canada that COVID was a cause for concern. This makes the evolution of the disease and the public’s perception of the condition particularly important. He said that there was widespread support for travel restrictions, forced vaccines, and other measures.

“Now that we’re approaching the three-year mark, we don’t have anything close to a consensus, and we can’t even agree that it’s a continuing concern.”

Simpson claims that two years ago, levels of anxiety about the virus and support for public health measures were all in the 80 to 90% range.

According to Simpson, Canadians are now “increasingly divided on the subject of COVID-19,” with just under 40% believing the virus isn’t a concern and just over 60% saying it is.

Seventy-five percent of Canadians 55 and older reported being scared about the virus, compared to 57% of those 35 to 54 and 50% of those 18 to 34. Older Canadians were more likely to express these thoughts than younger ones.

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