British Elections May Increase The Number Of Ethnic Minority Mps

 Canada Global(Web News) Britain’s next general election is expected to see a record number of women and ethnic minority MPs sit in the Commons. According to research by think tank British Future, the number of ethnic minority MPs is likely to rise from 65 to 83.

If the number of ethnic minority MPs rises to 75 or more, it will increase fivefold in a decade and a half. From 2005 to 2010, there were only 15 minority members out of 650 members of Parliament. The major parties have now fielded around 90 per cent of their candidates in winnable target constituencies and early retirement seats, with the study predicting 250 seats in the Commons.

For the first time since the next general election there will be more women, with around 153 from Labor and 72 from the Conservatives. If Labor wins 326 seats, there will be 254 female MPs in the Commons, 39 per cent of the total, which could be as high as 40 per cent. The Conservatives can say that although they have fewer female and ethnic minority MPs than the Labor Party, they have had three female leaders, Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May and Liz Truss, as prime ministers, while they have key There are ethnic minorities in positions.

 There has been a series of appointments, including Rishi Sonik as Prime Minister, Sajid Javed and Kwasi Quarting as Chancellors, Priti Patel and Sawela Broerman as Home Secretaries and James Cleverly as Foreign Secretary. Of the 14 constituencies in which Labor MPs have decided to stand, seven have chosen ethnic minority candidates. Some of them are among Labour’s safest seats.

Metta Fahanbola will defend a majority of 33,780 in London’s Camberwell and Peckham. Ibtisam Mohammed will defend a majority of 27,273 in Sheffield Central and Jas Athwal, who was elected in Ilford South in a contest with former shadow minister Sam Terry, will defend a majority of 24,101 in the London constituency. More modest majorities will be defended by Begi Shankar (6,019) in Derby South, Satvir Kaur (6,213) in the Southampton Test and Harpreet Uppal (4,937) in Huddersfield, but all have good chances to win

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