Canada Global(Web News) Nowadays, most people use smartphones. Each smartphone has dozens of apps that access users’ personal details.
Now a new study has revealed the apps that have the most access to users’ personal data on iPhones or Android smartphones. A study by TRG Data Centers has revealed that Facebook, Instagram and Messengers are the apps that access the most data on phones running on iOS and Android operating systems.
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All three apps ask for access to 14 different types of user data such as location, browsing history, contacts, photos and more. YouTube, LinkedIn and Instacart are the most data-consuming apps on iOS, followed by Facebook. Book, Instagram and Messenger while Tik Tok and Google are ranked seventh and eighth respectively.
In comparison, the Facebook Lite app accesses the most data on Android phones, ranking 4th after Facebook, Instagram and Messenger. Google, YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat are 5th to 8th respectively. But. The study found that apps on Android demand more data access than iOS. According to the researchers, the results show that Android users have to sacrifice more of their data than iOS users. .
“The statistics of how much data we give apps access to are staggering,” he added. “