South Korea’s 860-year-old most beautiful tree

 Canada Global(Web News)The 860-year-old Wonju Bangye-ri Ginkgo tree of South Korea is also known as the national symbol of the country, which is famous for its exquisite beauty.

The tree has a circumference of about 17 m and is about 32 m (104 ft) high. Although it is not the tallest jaguar tree in the Asian country, the way its branches spread makes it one of the most impressive trees on earth. In South Korea, this tree is often called the most beautiful tree in the world.

Every year in late autumn, thousands of people flock to Bangi Ri, a village in Gyeongsang Province, to witness the beauty of this 860-year-old tree.

Interestingly, this beautiful tree from South Korea reached the heights of popularity during the Corona epidemic and was a favorite attraction for many families to maintain social distance during the epidemic.

Li Huon, a professor at Hanyang University’s School of Tourism, told a local newspaper that it has become a trend for couples or families to visit outdoor destinations since the epidemic.

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