78 years since the establishment of the United Nations, complete silence on the issue of Kashmir

Canada Global(Web News)It has been 78 years since the establishment of the United Nations, while deliberate silence on the issue of Kashmir remains, despite the adoption of 5 resolutions, India could not give Kashmiris the right to self-determination.

The United Nations was established in October 1945, India illegally annexed Kashmir in 1948 in open violation of the resolutions of the United Nations.

The international organization has so far passed 5 resolutions on the Kashmir issue, despite these resolutions of the United Nations, India could not give the Kashmiris the right to self-determination.

There have been two and a half lakh Kashmiri martyrs and one and a half lakh arrests in Occupied Kashmir so far, the United Nations needs to take concrete measures against the usurpation of India.


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