Canada Immigration applications falls in first quarter Of 2023

Canada Global (Web News) In the first quarter of this year, fewer immigrants applied to come to Canada than during the same period last year, possibly portending a future decline in immigration.

According to the most recent figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), there were only 73,358 immigration applications in the first three months of this year, a decrease of 13% from the 83,691 applications received at the same time in 2022.

Even more striking is the decline of 39.3% in the average monthly number of applications from 40,312 in the last quarter of last year to only 24,453 in the first three months of this year.

The number of applications from foreign nationals from several countries, which are important sources of new permanent residents to Canada, has significantly decreased, contributing to the total decline in applications.

The number of applications from the Philippines fell by 28% in the first quarter of this year, to only 5,040, compared to 6,988 for the same period last year.

During those times, the number of immigration applications from China fell by 11%, from 4,641 to 4,150, while those from Iran fell by a startling 40%, from 2,328 to 1,398.

Applications from Columbia plummeted by 37%, from 1,139 in the first quarter of last year to 716 in the first three months of this year; those from Nigeria decreased by 46%, from 4,722 to 2,571; and applications from Somalia decreased by 83 %, from 1,268 to only 210.

In the first quarter of this year compared to the same period in 2022, those six nations alone accounted for 7,001 fewer applications, or 67.7% of the decline in applications.

A decline in immigration requests may be a precursor to a future decline in immigration to Canada.

In addition, after reaching a record high in January, the rate of immigration to Canada slowed down for the second consecutive month in March.

This year’s immigration to Canada got off to a great start with the arrival of 50,905 new permanent residents in January, the highest monthly level of immigration since at least 2015.

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