Delhi, battles “hazardous” air pollution, closing primary schools.

Canada Global Tv: The most polluted metropolis in the world’s authorities ordered primary schools to close starting on Saturday and advised schools to restrict older students from participating in outdoor activities.

Every winter, a foul smog builds over the Indian capital as the cold, heavy air traps road dust, car emissions, and smoke from burning crop stubble in neighbouring states, leading to an increase in respiratory diseases among the 20 million residents of the metropolis.

Friday, when the air quality index (AQI) surpassed 400, placing the majority of the capital territory’s districts in the “severe” or “hazardous” category, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal gave the schools instructions and issued a warning that additional measures might be introduced to limit the number of vehicles.

All schools in the satellite city of Noida were mandated to offer online courses to children up to the eighth grade by the local government.

Parents and environmentalists expressed their concerns on social media, and locals reported breathing difficulties and irritation in their eyes, nose, and throat. As a result, some schools were closed.

The federal authorities warned that when the AQI increases above 400, even healthy persons might be impacted, and those who already have health concerns are more at danger.

New Delhi has ranked as the most polluted capital in the world for the previous four years, according to data published by the Swiss organisation IQAir.


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