Canada Global(Web News) A study has found that using a smartphone for more than four hours increases the risk of mental health problems among young people.
In a study conducted between 2017 and 2020 at Hanyang University in South Korea, nearly 50,000 Koreans were asked to fill out two long questionnaires. One asked them about their physical and mental health. while another questionnaire asked about the duration of their smartphone use. In a study published in the journal PLoS One, researchers looked at smartphone use and its effects on health (age, gender and perceived socioeconomic status) used data from questionnaires to examine the relationship between
The study found that people who used their phones for one to two hours a day had a lower risk of depression, suicidal thoughts, sleep problems, depression and alcohol addiction than those who didn’t use their phones at all. did not use However, those who spent more than four hours on their phones had 22 percent higher rates of mental health problems and substance abuse than moderate device users.
Between one and two hours of phone use appeared to be protective against suicide attempts, the study authors wrote in the report. According to the results, using a smartphone for less than two hours a day has more beneficial effects on mental health than not using it at all. The study showed that depression among young people who spend less than two hours on social media. The risk is 30 percent higher, the risk of sleep problems is 27 percent higher, the risk of depression is 38 percent higher, and the risk of suicidal thoughts is 43 percent higher. And the odds of alcohol addiction were 47 percent lower.