Trudeau criticises China of “aggressive” election meddling.

Canada Global Tv (Web News) Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, has charged China with attempting to sway the nation’s elections.

Beijing is allegedly targeting Canadian institutions and engaging in “aggressive games” with democracies, according to Mr. Trudeau.

In the wake of recent elections, Canadian intelligence reportedly discovered a “clandestine network” of candidates supported by Beijing, according to local media.

Officials reportedly informed Mr. Trudeau that at least 11 candidates in the 2019 federal elections were supported by China.

China has “no interest,” according to a representative for the foreign ministry, in the domestic issues of Canada.

In one instance, $250,000 (£160,000) in funding was sent through the office of a provincial MP with a seat in Ontario.

The operation, which was apparently overseen from China’s consulate in Toronto, also allegedly aimed to embed agents into the offices of sitting MPs in an effort to sway policy.

In an effort to influence political circles, efforts were also undertaken to “coopt and corrupt” former Canadian officials.

Both of the major political parties—Mr. Trudeau’s Liberal Party and the opposition Conservative Party—are thought to have been the targets of the attempted involvement. It’s unclear, though, whether the procedure was effective.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, asserted that China has no desire to interfere with Canadian elections.

He stated at a news conference that “State-to-state relations can only be founded on mutual respect, equality, and mutual gain.”

He continued, “Canada should cease saying things that harm relations between China and Canada.”

The reports come after officials declared that they were looking into claims that China had established unauthorised “police” stations on Canadian land.

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