Surprising Revelations Of Scientists About Ultra-Processed Foods

Canada Global (Web News) Consumers may be missing out on healthy options due to ultra-processed (UPF) foods.

In one study, researchers examined nearly 3,000 different foods and compared their ingredients to the information on their packets, finding that not all ultra-processed foods contain unhealthy ingredients. These packets were tested through traffic light labeling, with red light packets indicating that foods are high in fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt. More than half of the foods examined did not have a red light. The most common ultra-processed foods without a red light included sandwiches, high-fiber cereals, plant-based milk alternatives, milkshakes and white bread.

According to the traffic light stem, meatless foods are also healthy, and despite being ultra-processed, green lights for fat, saturated fat and sugar, and orange lights for salt were evident. British Nutrition Foundation The link between ultra-processed foods and poor health is cause for concern, according to nutritionist Bridget Benlam of People need clear instructions on how to eat healthy and make it easy.

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