Robi Pirzada got married quietly? Pictures go viral

Canada Global(Web News) Former singer and social worker of Pakistan music industry, Robi Pirzada, as a bride has gone viral on social media.

Rabi Pirzada, who shunned the showbiz industry for the sake of Islam, has posted some pictures of herself as a bride on the social networking website X (formerly Twitter).

In the pictures posted on X, Robi Pirzada is dressed in a beautiful silver wedding dress, which she also wears with attractive jewellery.

In the picture, Rabi Pirzada is smiling while holding her dupatta while the picture is taken in a wedding hall.

“When a broken heart is mended, it becomes stronger than anything,” Rabi Pirzada wrote along with the photo.

Rabi Peerzada is seen holding a garland of roses in one picture while captioning the picture, she wrote “Alhamdulillah”.

There was a rush of comments from users on the former singer’s post. Someone asked Robi Pirzada, “Are you married?” So someone congratulated them on their marriage and some users even prayed for their good fortune.

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