New Fraud Revealed On Facebook, Users Beware

  Canada Global (Web News) Facebook users have been warned about a new scam in which people are tricked into clicking on fake links about someone’s sudden death.

Experts have revealed a spoofing campaign spreading across the Idol Meta platform, with hackers tricking people into posting fake posts saying ‘I can’t believe he’s gone, I’ll miss him so much’. . Encourage them to click on the link. According to the website bleeping computer, the link takes users to a website where all their Facebook information is stolen.

According to experts, this special campaign was started about a year ago. Since then, these fraudsters have piled up hacked accounts to easily trick other users. When a post or link comes from a friend or relative, it’s easy to believe it. Facebook continues to remove these unsafe posts, but the platform doesn’t react as quickly as fraudsters do. However, Facebook has largely I have managed to disable these misleading Facebook redirect links so they are no longer active in this way.

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