Nawaz Sharif And Jahangir Tareen Will Not Benefit From The Decision, Legal Experts

 Canada Global(Web News)Legal experts giving their opinion on the decision of the Supreme Court said that Nawaz Sharif and Jahangir Tareen will not benefit from the decision, they can go for review.

Legal expert Raja Amir Abbas said that the decision is fundamentally very important, lawyers’ organizations were asking for the right to appeal, this decision will not benefit Nawaz Sharif, the decision will be applied to future decisions. A full court was constituted in the case

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Irfan Qadir said that giving the right to appeal is a very good decision, the right to appeal has been taken away from people before, Nawaz Sharif can go for review, the review time is 30 days, the review will be completed. The court, not me,
Aman Yousafzai said that according to the verdict, Nawaz Sharif will not get the right to appeal, the common man got the right to appeal and review.

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