Joly warns Canadian firms of the “risks” of doing business with China.

Canada Global (Web News) Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly cautioned  amid rising anticipation for the policy reversal she affirmed will occur “within a month” that Canadians should take into account the “geopolitical dangers” of conducting business in China.

Joly laid out a commitment to change Canadian policy toward China at a speech for the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. She also offered some of her toughest remarks to yet criticising the Chinese leadership.

To Canadians conducting business in and with China, Joly stated, “You need to be clear-eyed.

It is my responsibility as Canada’s top ambassador to inform you that doing business with the nation carries some geopolitical risks.

Joly discussed Canada’s efforts to strengthen connections with the Indo-Pacific region and to respond more forcefully to dangers that are coming from that region throughout her speech. She asserted that “within a month” the “complete, funded” Indo-Pacific plan “would be launched.


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