Iranian security forces shot and killed two protesters.

Canada Global (Web News) Iranian security forces shot dead two protesters on the anniversary of the 2019 crackdown.

The rights group said the protests sparked by Mahsa Amini’s death had escalated on the anniversary of the bloody 2019 crackdown.

The protests have gained new momentum since the killing of 22-year-old Amini in mid-September this year.

This is considered the biggest protest in the history of Iran

According to verified footage, protesters in Tehran blocked a large roundabout in Sanat Square and chanted “freedom, freedom”.

Where women were seen waving scarves on their heads.

Norway-based human rights group Hengao said government forces opened fire in most of the cities where the uprisings took place.

The United Nations Human Rights Office has called on Iran to immediately release thousands of people arrested for participating in peaceful protests.

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