Gas Prices Are Likely To Increase By 193% From Next Month

Canada Global(Web News) Gas prices are likely to increase by 193 percent from next month. According to sources, the summary of the increase in gas prices is likely to be presented in the meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee tomorrow.

Sources said that the petroleum division’s summary proposed a 193 percent hike in gas rates and a 172 percent hike in gas prices for domestic consumers.
According to sources, a hike in gas price of around 193 per cent has been proposed for other categories and fixed monthly charges for protected customers have been proposed to be increased from Rs 10 to Rs 400.
Sources say that the tariff of export industries is recommended to be Rs 950, the tariff of non-export industries is Rs 1400, the tariff of non-export industries is Rs 2600. According to the sources, the gas tariff for CNG sector is Rs 4400
per mm. BTU while gas price for power plants and ovens is proposed to be maintained.
Sources say that the price hike can be implemented from October 1.

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