A Resolution Was Presented In The Senate For A Permanent Ban On Social Media In Pakistan

 Canada Global(Web News)The Senator of Pakistan People’s Party has submitted a resolution in the Senate for a permanent ban on social media, which will be discussed on Monday.

Pakistan People’s Party Senator Bahramand Tangi has submitted a resolution in the Senate to impose a complete ban on social media, which has been included in the agenda of Monday’s meeting.
It has been said in the resolution that there is concern over the use of social media against the country’s interests through negative and malicious propaganda against the Pakistani army, social media platforms are having a negative impact on the youth of the country.

Senator Bahramand Tangi said that social media platforms are being used to promote principles against our religion, culture and here the interests of the country are being harmed through negative and satanic propaganda against the Pakistani army. Which is a cause for concern.
The text of the resolution states that vested interests are using these platforms to spread false news on various issues, social media platforms are trying to deceive the young generation by promoting fake leadership, senate government of Pakistan. . Recommends banning Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, X and YouTube.

The resolution has demanded that social media platforms should be banned to protect the young generation from their negative and destructive effects.
Meanwhile, the resolution to ban Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, X and YouTube has been included in the agenda of the Senate. Which will be discussed in the meeting on Monday.


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