A Person Escaped With A Car On The Pretext Of Taking A Test Drive

Canada Global(Web News)Toronto police said that a man came with the intention of selling a Jeep but went to take a test drive and did not return.

The incident occurred on March 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm in the area of ​​Allen Road and Rimrock Road. Investigators said the suspect approached a man to take a test drive of a Jeep Grand Wagoner for sale. After that, when he got into the car to take the suspect jeep for a test drive, he drove off before the other person could get into the passenger seat of the jeep.

According to the description, the suspect has short black hair, a mustache and beard and black eyebrows. He was wearing black shoes and a gray hoodie with khaki pants and a black Nike jacket with an orange swoosh on the back when he stole the vehicle, police said.

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