Canada Global (Web News) A recent report indicates that Alberta is experiencing an increase in hate crimes.
In a government-funded research conducted by the Organisation for the Prevention of Violence (OPV), it was discovered that more than one-third of Albertans had been the victim of a hate crime in the previous three years. But the study indicated that visible minorities are much more likely to experience hatred.
Compared to the criminal statute, the survey’s definition of hate was more expansive. The study focused on incidents that did not need reporting to the police or being investigated as a hate crime.
Since things like racial slurs frequently aren’t dealt with on a criminal level, this allowed OPV to gather a far more comprehensive depiction of hate in the province, according to Michele St. Amant from OPV.
“In our broad survey, we discovered that almost a third of Albertans had encountered any form of hate incident or experience, but that number rises significantly when we take a closer look at visible minorities. Therefore, approximately 50% of visible minorities in our representative survey report having encountered hate, and we also discovered that visible minorities are most likely to face violent incidents of hate, according to St. Amant.
According to St-Amant, education in schools and workplaces as well as improved translation services for reporting crimes, as proposed by survey respondents, are the keys to reducing hate crimes.
According to Stats Canada, Alberta has experienced the fourth-highest rate of increases in hate crimes from the prior year.