Canada bans steel, aluminum imports from Russia

Canada Global (Web News) As part of its sanctions policy, Canada has banned the import of Russian steel and aluminium. Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has raised the potential of a Moscow regime change.

Joly made the comments during a press conference on Friday where she also emphasised the value of keeping a diplomatic mission in Moscow.

“We’re able to observe how much we’re isolating the Russian regime right now — because we have to do so economically, politically, and diplomatically — and what are the repercussions also on society, as well as how much we’re seeing potential regime change in Russia,” she said.

Joly hasn’t previously declared that the Liberals want a change of government in Russia, despite their support for one in Iran. She claimed that the goal of sanctions and pursuing justice for alleged war crimes is regime change.

The objective is unquestionably to hinder Russia’s capacity to conduct extremely challenging strikes against Ukraine. Also, we want to guarantee that Putin and his supporters face consequences, the woman said.

“I always draw a fundamental distinction between the regime and the people of a particular country.”

Earlier on Friday, Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s finance minister, issued a restriction on imports of steel and aluminium, saying that it would counteract Moscow’s continuous invasion of Ukraine.

According to statistics from the Department of Industry, Canada imported steel products worth $208 million from Russia in 2021 and $79 million in 2018.

Moreover, Canada purchased $16 million worth of aluminium from Russia in 2017 and $44 million worth in 2021.

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