Canada Global(Web News) Social media platform X (formerly Twitter) will charge new users $1 a year to add basic features such as writing posts, liking, retweeting and replying to posts.
All new unverified users from New Zealand and the Philippines must sign up for a fee and verify their account with a phone number. According to X, existing members in these regions will not be affected and users will be able to create X accounts for free ‘reading’.
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In a post from X, it was revealed that the platform will be testing a new program called ‘Not a Bot’ which aims to reduce automated spambots from the platform. X made it clear that the change was not for profit, but the subscription option proved to be a comprehensive solution to the problem. Around the same time X also published the ‘Not a Bot’ rules and regulations, according to which the subscription service The app has basic features like writing a post, liking, retweeting and replying to a post.