What Is The Science Behind Making Fireworks Colorful?

 Canada Global (Web News) Fireworks have become a part of normal life on any happy occasion, it is considered as a means of expressing happiness, have you ever wondered how fireworks are made so colorful? ? What’s the science behind it? Each firework contains a specific combination of metals and salts that determine what colors will appear in the sky when the firework explodes. excludes.

Barium is responsible for bright green colors and copper produces a combination of blue colors. Similarly, chlorine causes some colors to flash, potassium nitrate and sulfur help ignite fireworks, and chlorate and nitrate color. provide oxygen for explosions. Other compounds are added to these metals and salts to help the colors explode more widely. Similar science applies to meteorites entering Earth’s orbit. As they enter orbit, their chemical composition causes them to glow in different colors.

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