The Air Filters That Clean The Air In The Houses Are Declared Ineffective

Canada Global(Web News) Air filters in our homes are thought to clean the air, but a new study suggests that the device does not reduce the risk of airborne viruses.

According to researchers at the University of East Anglia in the UK, technology developed for disinfecting the interior of the home is not actually effective. The team of researchers reviewed 32 previous studies in settings such as schools or nursing homes. Air purification technologies tested.

The study, led by the university’s Dr. Julie Brainerd, found that the filter systems installed in these machines do nothing to protect people from airborne respiratory and stomach infection viruses. In the news release, Dr. Julie Brainerd said, research has found no solid evidence that air-cleaning technologies save people in the real world, and evidence suggests that these technologies do not. He added that the results of the study are disappointing, but it is important to present the full picture to public health decision makers.

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