Russia Should Conduct A Fully Transparent Investigation Into Navalny’s Death, Melanie Joly

 Canada Global(Web News)Canada has imposed more sanctions on the Russian government in connection with the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny last month. This announcement was made by Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly. He said that this step has been taken by Canada due to continuous violations of human rights by Russia.

Jolie announced the restrictions in a statement released Sunday morning. The sanctions have been imposed on six senior Russian officials and senior officials in the prosecution, judicial and correctional services. Navalny’s human rights were violated by these officials, he was brutally punished and eventually died, the statement said.
Navalny, 47, was considered the main political opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. During a visit to Ukraine last month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Putin of taking Navalny’s life. Notably, Navalny was serving a 19-year sentence in an Arctic penal colony when he died suddenly a month ago.

The Kremlin has denied allegations that Putin had a hand in Navalny’s death. Julie said

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