Premier Daniel Smith’s Policies On Transgender Youth Rejected

Canada Global(Web News)Liberal Employment Minister Randy Bossonault says he wants to meet with Alberta Premier Daniel Smith to discuss his recently announced policy on transgender youth.

Bossonault, who is openly gay and Alberta’s only Liberal cabinet minister, said Smith is pushing for “draconian” measures against some of the province’s most vulnerable youth, adding that the federal government has been forced to do so by the provinces. The ability to seek a reference to the Supreme Court on any use notwithstanding clause is an “important legal tool.” “We’ll be paying a lot of attention to see what’s in Premier Smith’s legislation,” said Bossonault. I hope it never reaches the floor (of the Legislature).” He said he has invited Smith to sit down and discuss policy but has yet to receive a response. His office is working on scheduling meetings with Liberal ministers and his chief of staff is in contact with Bosnault’s office. However, Liberal officials confirmed they received a message from Smith’s office on Friday that His request to meet was rejected.

Asked about Smith’s policy at a news conference on Monday, Conservative leader Pierre Poilever said: “Let the parents raise the children and let the provinces run the schools and hospitals. He did not specifically address Smith’s proposals. In Toronto, Ontario Premier Doug Ford signaled that his government would not follow Alberta in limiting access to surgery and treatment for transgender youth. Do it. Smith was in town to open an Alberta government office near Parliament Hill aimed at helping advance the province’s priorities and strengthen federal-provincial relations. In a news release, the Alberta government said the office “Will help build stronger relationships with governments in Ottawa and across Canada while increasing the province’s advocacy on issues of importance to Albertans.”

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