Message of the Ambassador to Canada Mr. Zaheer A. Janjua on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day

 Canada Global(Web News)Today we are commemorating the “Kashmir Black Day” to reaffirm our unflinching support to our Kashmiri brethren who have been subjected to inhuman and brutal occupation for over seven decades. On this day 76 years ago, Indian security forces landed in Srinagar to occupy the territory of Jammu and Kashmir and subjugate the Kashmiri people.

Since then, the Indian government has continued to intensify its inhumane crackdown, military siege and denial of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms to the Kashmiris.

The unilateral and unlawful actions of 5th August 2019 by India’s BJP-RSS regime opened a new chapter in its oppression in Kashmir through siege by a 900,000-occupation force. The ominous “Final Solution” espoused by Hindutva leadership aims to crush the Kashmiri freedom movement and permanently alter the demography of Occupied territory. This legislation is in contravention of the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The barbarity of Indian atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir is unprecedented. Extra-judicial killings, rape, torture, arbitrary arrests, indiscriminate use of pellet guns and collective punishments are being used as an instrument of state policy. These violations have been repeatedly exposed.

The UN Secretary-General has re-affirmed that the UN’s position on Jammu and Kashmir is based on the UN Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has extensively documented India’s unabated violations and recommended an Independent Commission of Inquiry in two separate reports. India’s violations have been documented by a host of human rights organizations and international media as well.

The international community should play its role and impress upon India to immediately cease extra-judicial killings, lift the military siege, rescind the illegal and unilateral actions of August 5, 2019, comply with the United Nations Security Council resolutions, cease its gross human rights violations and allow access to international human rights and humanitarian organizations, observers and international media to the occupied territory.

I encourage you all to be the voice of innocent Kashmiris to expose Indian atrocities in IIOJK and elicit a strong international response.




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