Ontario Drivers Will No Longer Need To Apply For License Plates: Ford

 Canada Global(Web News)Premier Doug Ford said that Ontario drivers will soon be freed from annual registration of their license plates. He said that the province is working to automate this process.

Ford made the announcement at a news conference in Toronto on Tuesday morning. In response to a question about the increase in expired license plates on Ontario roads, Ford said, “First we got rid of stickers and now we’re going to get rid of registration, they’re automatically registered. will, so people don’t need to worry about it.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) confirmed that as of January 2024, 1,015,139 plates have expired in Ontario. A spokesperson for the ministry said the plates The automatic numbering facility will be available to drivers with good records.This means that drivers who have received parking tickets or toll bills etc. will have to do it themselves.

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