NAB has filed a corruption reference against Parvez Elahi and Monis Elahi

Canada Global(Web News) NAB has filed a corruption reference against Parvez Elahi and Monis Elahi.

After the investigation of alleged kickbacks and bribery in Gujarat contracts was completed, NAB filed a 1 billion 23 crore corruption case against former Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi and others including Monis Elahi in the Accountability Court of Lahore.

According to the National Accountability Bureau, Parvez Elahi and Monis Elahi have been found involved in damaging the national treasury.

In the reference filed against Parvez Elahi and other 14 accused, it is said that Pervez Elahi misused his position and received kickbacks and bribes. Munis Elahi’s secretary Sohail Awan and 2 ex-government employees became sworn witnesses against Parvez Elahi and others.

Pervez Elahi and Munis Elahi illegally approved 116 development schemes for Gujarat, awarded contracts to favored contractors and obtained bribes. According to the NAB reference, Parvez Elahi and other accused together took financial benefits of more than one billion 23 crore rupees in the form of bribes and kickbacks.

Pervaiz Elahi received the most amount of more than 744.5 million rupees in the form of bribes and kickbacks. Mons Elahi’s account kept depositing the kickbacks into the accounts of Mons Elahi and his family, and during Parvez Elahi’s prime ministership, Mons Elahi deposited 1 million 61 thousand Euros into his foreign bank account.

According to the reference, during the prime ministership of Pervez Elahi, his family members deposited more than 304 million in their personal accounts. According to NAB, the accused have been found guilty in the investigation, so the accountability court should punish the accused by conducting a trial.


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