My heart desires prosperity, not revenge, Nawaz Sharif

Addressing a rally he held at Minar Pakistan in Lahore on October 21, Nawaz Sharif said that he did not want to name the PTI chairman (Imran Khan) as he wanted to maintain the distinction of his training.
Nawaz Sharif said that I also have tasbih but I try not to recite it in front of anyone.
آج گھر جاؤں گا تو بیگم کلثوم نواز نہیں ملیں گی، یہ میرے لیے بہت بڑا زخم ہے جو کبھی نہیں بھرے گا، نواز شریف#DunyaNews #DunyaUpdates #Dunyavideos #DunyaNews #NawazSharif #Pakistan
— Dunya News (@DunyaNews) October 21, 2023
Regarding the deceased mother and wife, Nawaz Sharif said that there are some sorrows and pains that a person cannot forget, there are some wounds that never heal, those who are separated from you will never meet again, my mother and Begum became a victim of my politics, my Begum Kulsoom died and I got the news in jail.
He said that I asked the jail superintendent to let me speak to my son in London, he did not let me speak, he said we are not allowed, I got up from his room and went to my cell and I kept thinking it was very difficult for me, then after two and a half hours I got information that your Begum Kulsoom has fallen in love with her.