Mujahideen Of Hamas Used To Protect Us From Bombardment, Respect Women, Interviewed Mother And Daughter

Canada Global (Web News) An Israeli mother and daughter who were released from prison by Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, the resistance organization of occupied Palestine, could not be impressed by the good behavior of the Mujahideen and praised the behavior of the Mujahideen, Al-Qassam on October 7. Brigades and other resistance groups, including the Al-Quds Brigades, have taken many Israeli soldiers and civilians hostage, 50 of whom were released in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners during a ceasefire in the past few days.

Among those prisoners were Almog Goldstein, 48, her 17-year-old daughter and two sons. The Israeli family spent 51 days in the custody of Hamas mujahideen, and in a recent interview with Israeli TV, the mother and daughter praised the mujahideen’s kindness. The 48-year-old woman said that she is ready to sacrifice her life to save our lives in the Israeli bombing. They were protecting us with their bodies as shields. The woman said that the Mujahideen were asked if they (the Israelis) were going to kill us and they replied that we will die before you die.

He added that we were not left alone during the imprisonment and he was with us every moment. When the anchor asked the woman how she spent her time in jail, Almog Goldstein said that she spent her time in jail with her children. used to play and her daughter used to exercise all the time.
When the host asked the reason, the woman said that they respect women, consider women sacred and it is not permissible to touch them, they treat women like queens. They used to play and draw, the Mujahideen also taught them some cards. It should be clear that the women who were freed from the prison of Hamas have appreciated the good behavior of the Mujahideen.

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