Justin Trudeau Contacts The Outgoing Prime Minister Of Haiti, Talks About The Crisis

Canada Global(Web News) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the outgoing Prime Minister of Haiti regarding the ongoing humanitarian crisis, security and political crisis in Haiti.

A statement released by the PMO on Monday said that Trudeau shared concerns with Ariel Henry about the situation in Haiti and also assured to help solve Haiti’s problems. It is worth noting that Henry announced on Tuesday that he would resign from his post after the establishment of a presidential council in Haiti.

Henry, who is on a tour outside his country, is no longer allowed to enter the country. Criminal gangs are unleashing violence in Haiti, and the country is in turmoil. The capital is also occupied by gangsters and all international airports have been closed. Several Caribbean leaders, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations and the US secretary of state met in Jamaica on Monday to try to find a solution to the Haiti crisis. Henry was living in Puerto Rico at the time of the meeting.
Speaking to Henry, Trudeau stressed the need for a political agreement among Haiti’s stakeholders and also talked about restoring democracy by holding elections there.

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