Israeli Actress Indicted For Supporting Hamas

Canada Global(Web News) Arab-Israeli actress Misa Abdul Hadi has been indicted for supporting the Palestinian resistance organization Hamas.

According to international media reports, Arab-Israeli actress Mayesa Abdulhadi posted on social media in which she supported Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel on October 7.

Israeli police arrested Mayisa Abdulhadi after her social media post. However, now the Israeli court has charged the actress.

According to the report, the Ministry of Justice of Israel has said in its statement that the actress has promoted acts of terrorism by supporting Hamas on social media.

The actress was also accused by Israeli authorities of having “ties to a terrorist group.”

On the other hand, the Minister of Interior of Israel also demanded to cancel the citizenship of Maysa Abdul Hadi for supporting Hamas.

It should be noted that since October 7, Israel has continued its attacks in the West Bank, where thousands of Palestinians have been martyred

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