Israel criticises the Netflix film depicting 1948 killing of a Palestinian family

Canada Global (Web News) Israeli authorities have denounced a Netflix documentary depicting the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict massacre of a Palestinian family by Zionist soldiers as “forming a false narrative”

Jordan’s Oscar entry for 2023, “Farha,” a historical drama by Jordanian director Darin J. Sallam, has had world premieres since its 2021 release and will start streaming on Netflix on Thursday.

The movie portrays the tale of a 14-year-old Palestinian girl who, while being held captive by her father during the Nakba, observes Israeli forces slaughtering an entire family, including a baby and two young children, through a crack in the pantry door.

Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s departing finance minister, said in a statement quoted by The Guardian: “It’s absurd that Netflix chose to stream a movie whose entire objective is to create a false pretence and agitate against Israeli soldiers.

Additionally, he stated that he would think about withdrawing state financing from the Al-Saraya Theater in Jaffa, a town with a majority of Arab residents, for having shown “Farha.”

The movie contained “falsehoods and libels,” according to Israeli Culture Minister Hili Tropper, who called its showing in an Israeli theatre “a disgrace.”

Mahmoud Abo Arisheh, the theater’s manager, wrote in an email to The Guardian on Thursday: “We responded to incitement by showing the movie.

“In terms of the public’s reaction, Saraya’s followers once more showed themselves to be many. We are devoted to upholding our freedom of expression and existence. We are devoted to the independence of all forms of art.


During the 1948 Palestinian Nakba, pre-state Zionist militias like the Irgun and the Stern Gang ethnically cleansed and uprooted some 700,000 Palestinians.

In one of their most notorious crimes, Zionist soldiers murdered more than 110 men, women, and children in the village of Deir Yassin on the outskirts of Jerusalem on April 9 of the same year.

The depiction of the massacre carried out by Zionist forces during the 1948 war is still a very touchy subject in Israel.

Sallam claimed in interviews that she created “Farha” because so few narrative films about Palestine examined the conflict’s underlying causes. She mentioned that “Farha” related the tale of the friend of her mother, who initially met Sallam’s mother in Syria.

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