Is The Use Of Multivitamins On A Daily Basis Beneficial Or Harmful For Health?

Canada Global (Web News) Taking daily multivitamin tablets can neither reduce the risk of death nor help prolong life in healthy people. Researchers at the US National Cancer Institute for 20 years. The study, which was published in the journal JAMA Network Open, reviewed data from nearly 400,000 healthy people over a period of It has been found that many people take multivitamins on a regular basis in the hope that this habit will improve their health.

However, the benefits and harms of using these pills on a daily basis are unclear. Data on the relationship between pill use and mortality in studies prior to this study were limited due to short observation periods. To fill in, the latest research reviewed data from three different studies based on 390,000 people. These individuals were studied for 20 years.

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