India’s Interference In Canada’s Democracy Is The Highest, Reports The Intelligence Committee

Canada Global(Web News)According to the report of the Parliamentarians’ National Security and Intelligence Committee, India’s efforts to interfere in Canada’s affairs are not equal to China’s, but they are definitely a cause of deep concern.

Nine months after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused the Indian government of complicity in the Hardeep Singh Nanjar murder case, a shocking report claims India has become the second-biggest foreign threat to Canadian democracy. Security experts seem to somewhat agree with the report’s claims, which say that New Delhi has been targeting Canadian politicians through people of Indian origin for decades.

According to the report, the Government of India wants to influence every order of the local government through various sections of the Canadian society with the main objective of neutralizing critical statements or policies of the Government of India. The report alleges that India is secretly looking for ways to further its interests and influence Canadian politicians. Canadians are being used for purposes whose activities make it difficult to infer that they are working for a foreign government.

Part of the report quoted the Canadian intelligence agency as saying that politicians at all levels of government, from raising issues in the House of Commons, are getting funding from India. Not only this, the ethnic media is also being used and some elected representatives knowingly help those working for foreign governments. Some parliamentarians crossed all borders and provided confidential information of the Canadian government to the Indian authorities. It should be noted that the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians includes members of Parliament and Senate members from each party. On the other hand, regarding the comments made in the report, Carleton University associate professor and former national security analyst Stephanie Caron said that India has two intelligence agencies and sees Canada as a threat. They know very well what they are doing and the activities are growing with time. The Indian government believes that Canada is a stronghold of the Khalistani movement. The report also states that once in Canada

The focus used to be on Khalistan activists, but now the scope is widening and efforts are being made to interfere in Canada’s democratic institutions. Meanwhile, opposition leader Pierre Polivoir has called on the Liberal government to make public the names of MPs who help foreign governments, but Public Security Minister Dominique LeBlanc said that was merely a basis for suspicion. But it would not be appropriate to reveal the name.

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