In Which Country Is The World’s First Mosque With 3d Printing Technology?

Canada Global (Web News) The world’s first mosque built using 3D printing technology was inaugurated in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

According to a foreign news agency report, the late Abdulaziz Abdullah Sharbatli Mosque, which was built using modern technology, is part of the Al-Jawhra Project in Jeddah Governorate, which is one of the projects of the National Housing Company. A large number of government officials, businessmen and ordinary citizens were present on the occasion. According to the report, the new mosque has been built by businesswoman Wijant Muhammad Abdul Waheed to pay homage to her late husband. The mosque covers an area of ​​5600 square meters. A Chinese company has developed using 3D printing technology.

Wajant Abdulwaheed said that she wanted to contribute to introducing this modern technology in the kingdom, after the construction of this mosque, it became the first mosque of its kind in the world and Saudi Arabia became the first country to build such mosques. He added that it represents a benchmark in the world of technology and modern construction, this mosque is a testament to the adoption of modern technology in the field of construction in Saudi Arabia.

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