I Will Continue To Fight For A Better Future For Canadians, Justin Trudeau

Canada Global(Web News) In a recent interview, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that he will stand as Liberal Leader in the next federal election.

Trudeau, who will turn 52 on Christmas Day, said the stakes are high. He said that he is fighting every day for a better future for Canadians and their children. That means he will always stand with Canadians and fight for them. On the one hand, Trudeau is making such promises, and on the other hand, recent polls have shown that Canadians no longer have much faith in his leadership. .
A recent poll found that two out of three Canadians have an unfavorable opinion of Trudeau and half want him to resign before the next election, partly because Canadians are struggling with inflation. But Trudeau says the global situation is turning out to be a very bad time. He believes that global inflation and interest rates have increased, epidemics, ongoing wars and geopolitics are everywhere.

He said that our government is helping Canadians in every way. Across the country we’ve been able to halve childcare fees, we’ve been able to send children to dentists from families who couldn’t afford it, and starting next year, seniors too. Authority will be obtained. We are lowering grocery prices by increasing competition in grocery stores. There is still much to do. We know Canadians are struggling but we are fighting for them every day.

In addition, Trudeau said his government is investing in housing. Trudeau also mentioned $471 million in housing aid to Toronto. “Interestingly, the opposition and the Conservatives have raised objections to our housing standards,” he said. Both major parties voted against GST cuts on rental construction and rapid housing measures. But it is important to remember here that when Perry Polivore was housing minister in the Conservative government, no houses were ever built by him.

Trudeau also supported the Liberal government’s immigration plan. It should be noted that the Trudeau government is in favor of inviting 500,000 immigrants each year. He also said that the housing crisis was not caused by immigration. “We need to maintain the diversity of prosperity as well as the economic success that immigrants bring with them,” he said. Trudeau concluded by saying that when so much is going on, he is not the type of person to give up and walk away from the fight of his people.

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