Ford Government Contracts Digital Tribunal System With Accounting Firm For $26 Million

Canada Global(Web News)The Ford government has just contracted an international accounting firm to set up a digital tribunal system. Sources say that an amount of $1 million was earmarked for this work, which has now increased to $26 million.

The deal with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) was signed three years ago. It was then decided to develop and implement a new digital online tribunal system for the Landlord Tenant Board. Sources said the contract grew to $26 million due to periodic change orders and additions to the contract.

PWC is originally an accounting firm with a history of developing software. Asked why the contract was not put out to tender so that specialized software companies could also bid and get a fair deal for taxpayers’ money. On this, Attorney General Doug Downey said, “Considering various factors, we have dealt with an experienced company whose products are actually working and giving very good results.”

Sources also said that the ministry and the tribunal staff are unhappy with the work of PwC as the cost of the project is increasing due to repeated delays in timelines and other works. Asked about the quality of work, Minister Downey said he was doing a good job.

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