Drug Use In Public Places, Bc Court Rejects Province’s Appeal Against Injunction

Canada Global(Web News)BC’s highest court upholds stay on law banning public drug use BC’s highest court has upheld the province’s appeal of a stay on the law banning the use of illegal substances in many public places. The attempt has been rejected. The break was imposed during a legal challenge to the law, launched by advocates for drug users.

The Court of Appeal’s decision on the case brought by Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth was issued on Friday, a ministry spokesman confirmed.
According to a lawyer representing the Harm Reduction Nurses Association, Justice Ronald Schoolrod issued the order orally after the

court found that it was not in the public interest to allow BC to appeal the injunction
on a limited interim basis. This means that this law should not be enforced.”

The decision upholds a three-month temporary injunction — ordered Dec. 29 by BC Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson.
“Despite the fact that the judge refused to allow the province to appeal,” the ministry said, BC will continue to fight for its law, arguing that it is intended to help drug users find services. To help while keeping other members of the public safe.

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