Canada Global(Web News)The federal Liberal government’s controversial gun control bill C-21 was approved by the Senate without any changes. It will now become law.
After months of political opposition and division, the bill was passed in the House of Commons in May. The version of the bill introduced in the Senate is completely different from the original version of the bill. federal government. It was full of detail. Bill C-21 passed the Senate by 24 votes to 60. The following standards are included in this bill:
· Provision of red flags and yellow flags for gun owners who are deemed a danger to themselves and others. Doing so would further tighten gun laws.
· A freeze will be put in place to prevent the sale, purchase or transfer of handguns in Canada. Future models of assault-style weapons. . · The government has also made clear its intention to uphold local treaty rights. A parliamentary review of the bill has also been proposed five years after it becomes law. Other measures included in the bill would be implemented through new regulations. In favor of the bill, then-Public Safety Minister Marco Mendesino said the Liberal government would go further than any other government in Canadian history when it comes to gun control. will effort, while conservative leader Pierre Polivore says the law would also target law-abiding gun owners. The bill is expected to receive royal assent on Friday.