Canada Girl Guides drops ‘Brownies’ name after it’s deemed offensive

Canada Global (Web News) The “Brownies” branch of the Girl Guides of Canada has been renamed the “Embers” since the previous name was thought to be too racially divisive.

The Girl Guides of Canada (GGC) tweeted on Wednesday, “Embers are full of potential and when they work together, they can ignite a strong flame!”

In November, the group claimed that the previous moniker had discouraged girls from joining and “harmed” certain minority members.

The girls have been very accepting of the name change, according to CEO Jill Zelmanovits.

It became very evident that this was the chosen option after hearing from our girl, youth, and adult members, Mrs. Zelmanovits stated in a news release.

With the new name of Embers, “We can’t wait to keep providing the wonder of Girl Guides to girls aged seven and eight.”

After input from current and past members, who claimed that the old name “created harm and constituted a barrier to joining for racialized girls and women,” the decision was made.

According to the statement, since the organisation decided to become “more welcoming for their girls” in November, applications have increased.

Although the GGC advises using the new moniker right away, it won’t be fully incorporated into apparel and gear until September.

The Sparks (age five to six), Guides (age nine to eleven), Pathfinders (age twelve to fourteen), and Rangers are among the various GGC sections that the Embers join (ages 15 to 17).

In an effort to give girls their own equivalent of the Scouts, the Brownies were founded in England in 1914.

Initially known as the Rosebuds—a name that did not last very long—members now receive badges for things like crime prevention and science investigation.

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