Calgary, Edmonton Chambers Of Commerce Urge Province To Explore Federal Pharmacare

 Canada Global(Web News)Chambers of commerce in two major Alberta cities are urging the provincial government to explore the federal pharmacare program.

In a joint statement, the Calgary and Edmonton Chambers of Commerce said the federal plan makes good business sense.

Alberta’s health minister has said the province plans to withdraw from the national program after not consulting the federal government.

A well-designed national pharmacare program could benefit Alberta’s economy in light of ongoing labor shortages, the need for employers to attract talent and costs to provide health benefits, Chambers said in his statement. Is.

“We need every advantage we can to continue to be a magnet for talent,” Calgary Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Deborah Yedlin said in a statement.
Ensuring that Alberta is an attractive place for people to move to is critical to the success of businesses and we cannot limit our ability to attract and retain the labor force we need.
Chambers said more than a quarter – 28.3 per cent – ​​of Alberta businesses are still concerned about labor-related disruptions, their second biggest concern behind rising costs.

Speaking about costs, Chambers said between 15 and 30 percent of payroll costs are related to providing employee benefits and encouraged both governments to consider the potential cost implications of the pharmacare program.

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