Calgary, Decision To Extend Water Restrictions For Another Five Weeks

 Canada Global (Web News) It has been decided to extend water restrictions in Calgary for another five weeks, as crews working to repair water pipes have discovered more areas than need repair. The briefing also stated that the pipe has been inspected on both sides, repair work is in progress but five more locations require urgent repairs for which restrictions have been extended further.

The decision has been taken to ensure the long-term durability of the pipe. The head of the Emergency Management Agency has also confirmed that work is currently underway to repair the pipe and that the curfew period has been extended to repair additional locations.

Henry said the pipe burst was the most dramatic and painful event he had ever seen. He also said that the city’s experts and staff have taken immediate measures, such as bringing in as many spare parts as possible, keeping personnel and equipment in place and initiating efficiencies to improve their utilization. He called these measures necessary at this time. Henry also said, “We have discovered five hotspots where significant pipe breaks have occurred and which require immediate and urgent repairs.”

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