Burlington issues ‘denning season’ notice to proactively prevent human-coyote conflicts

Canada Global (Web News) On Tuesday, Burlington, Ont., continued a campaign warning residents about the dangers of coyote encounters in the city.

Denning season, the period just before a coyote gives birth, is already underway, according to city workers, and it may cause coyotes to venture into residential areas in search of food and shelter.

Bylaw enforcement officers shared five dos and don’ts with the public in a statement, including never feeding coyotes and never leaving dogs unattended.

One of the recommendations was to close up under decks, sheds, and other similar structures with wire screening as well as to keep properties clear of mounds of trash, food, brush, long grass, and wood.

The city is also re-educating its citizens on hazing practises, such as waving arms, creating noise, and hurling rocks, big sticks, cans, and/or rubber balls when they see wild animals.

Seven unprovoked coyote assaults on Burlington citizens occurred during the summer of 2022.

The city’s director of building and bylaw claimed that after implementing a coyote response strategy to deal with the assaults and raise messages about not feeding wildlife, there have been no documented instances since the end of the summer.

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