British, American And European Union Expressed Concern Over The Question Mark On The Transparency Of Pakistani Elections

Canada Gloal(Web News) Britain, America and the European Union in their response appreciated the increase in the number of women voters and praised the people of Pakistan for using the right to vote despite the difficulties. Deep concern was also expressed on the questions raised.

The three lamented the lack of a level playing field and said that some political elements were not allowed to participate in the election, they were deprived of the freedom of the assembly. Online and offline freedom of expression was not given, the internet was banned on the day of the election, interference in the election process and political arrests took place, which is regrettable
. Reforms require the election of an empowered civilian government. US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said there should be a full investigation into allegations of election fraud and interference. insisted on import.
The European Union said that Pakistan was facing the challenge of counter-terrorism before the elections, but now Pakistan should focus on the economic reforms needed to address the shortcomings identified in the GSP Plus report. Britain, the United States and the European Union. He assured to work together with the new government of Pakistan to promote security, economy, human rights and good governance.

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