Biden and Obama warn of a threat to democracy as the midterm elections approach.

Canada Global (Web News)

President Joe Biden, Democratic powerhouse Barack Obama, and Republican flamboyant Donald Trump all descended on Pennsylvania on Saturday to help their respective parties cross the final line in a contest that Biden described as “defining” for US democracy.

Before Tuesday, when voters will decide who will control Congress for the final two years of Biden’s first term, the struggle of the two incumbent presidents and two former presidents began.

Republicans are clearly in the lead in the race for the House of Representatives, according to polls, and they are also gaining ground in the Senate races as voters, enraged by the culture wars over gay rights and abortion, try to vent their resentment over four decades of high inflation and an increase in illegal immigration.

Both sides hauled out the heavy guns, and the contrasts were striking since Pennsylvania is one of the few swing states that will determine the overall balance of power.

Along with John Fetterman, a candidate for the Senate, and Josh Shapiro, a candidate for governor, Biden and Obama held a rally in Philadelphia.

Trump, who lost to Biden in 2020 but has since spent time peddling conspiracies and planning a potential White House comeback, travelled to Latrobe to support Doug Mastriano, a far-right challenger against Shapiro, and Mehmet Oz, a television celebrity doctor.

Biden and the Democratic candidates made their case before a large crowd in an arena in Philadelphia, calling the Republicans the party of the wealthy and emphasising their support for social security, abortion rights, and labour unions.

According to Biden, voters must decide between “two very divergent views of America.”

But according to Biden, there is an even broader goal at play, citing the Trump Republicans’ growing acceptance of conspiracy theories.

Obama, who had also spoken at a rally earlier in Pittsburgh, received the loudest applause of the evening in Philadelphia as he repeatedly urged people to cast their ballots.

“Many people don’t follow politics as closely as they do during a presidential year. Perhaps they don’t think Congress is as important to them. Perhaps they believe their vote won’t count, “added he.

However, he claimed that “basic rights…, reason, and decency are on the ballot,” blasting Republicans for their growing hostility toward everything from respect for norms to science.

“The very idea of democracy is up for vote. The risks are great, “Obama said in a harsh imitation of Biden’s warning.

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