After North Gaza, Israel also dropped bombs on South Gaza, killing 700 Palestinians

Canada Global(Web News)After killing more than 16 thousand Palestinian citizens in northern Gaza, Israel extended the ground operation to the entire Gaza.

The Israeli army chief confirmed the intense attacks in southern Gaza and Israel has also announced the help of the air force in these attacks.

According to the Palestinian News Agency, Israel conducted raids in the West Bank, including Jenin, Salwad, Jaffna, Jalazum, Qalqilya and Hebron, and arrested several Palestinians.

In addition, the Israeli army has also confirmed the death of three of its soldiers during the fighting in Gaza.

On the other hand, a Jordanian citizen was killed by an Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip, which has also been confirmed by the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, a Jordanian citizen was killed and his brother was seriously injured in an Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip.

According to media reports, the Israeli army carried out heavy shelling and shelling in Khan Younis city of southern Gaza in the early hours of Monday, in which no casualties were immediately confirmed.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza says that 700 Palestinians were martyred in the last 24 hours, 4 Palestinians were martyred by bombing at the entrance of Kamal Adwan Hospital while an attempt was made to surround the hospital.

According to the United Nations humanitarian agency UNOCHA, there is a widespread spread of infections in southern Gaza, in which infections transmitted from one to another have been reported, while several cases of diarrhea and skin infections have also been reported. have been done

The Israeli Shin Bet agency has threatened to target Hamas leaders in Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon.

In addition, the Israeli army has claimed to have killed the commander of Hamas’ Shati Battalion, Haitm Khawajri, in an airstrike.

Clashes with the insurgents are still ongoing, houses are being bombed in Rafah City with the risk of casualties, while many people are still buried under the rubble.


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