A Live Fly Was Removed From The Intestine Of A 63-Year-Old Man

 Canada Global (Web News) Doctors in America got the biggest shock of their lives during a routine colonoscopy when a live fly was found in the patient’s colon for years. Doctors removed the fly after surgery.

According to media reports, the American Journal of Gastroenterology recently published a strange case of a 63-year-old man from Missouri who had a fly living in his intestines. Doctors at a hospital recommended a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a camera is inserted into the colon to check for any medical complications.

Also read this

 Doctors found a fly in the patient’s transverse colon (upper part of the large intestine) during a colonoscopy, which was surprisingly alive and somehow survived the gastric acid in the stomach. Doctors wrote in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. That this case represents a very rare colonoscopic finding. How the fly reached the transverse colon is a mystery.

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