PM Shehbaz visits CMH, meet soldiers injured in Bannu operation

Canada Global (Web News)The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) complex was cleared during the Bannu operation thanks to the courage and valour of the soldiers, the prime minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Thursday.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) reported that the premier’s words of support for the troops came during his visit to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Rawalpindi, where he met officers and soldiers who had been hurt during an anti-terrorist operation at the CTD complex in Bannu city, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

He commended the martyrs and their families for making the ultimate sacrifices to protect the safety and security of the country.

Premier Shehbaz had previously stated categorically that the state will not submit to or kneel before any terrorist group or organisation.

Three days ago, terrorists from the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) seized control of the facility and took many members of the security staff captive, resulting in a hostage situation at the CTD site. Security personnel, however, executed a successful raid, killing 25 insurgents.

According to the ISPR, the premier declared: “We are resolute to wipe out terrorism in its all forms and manifestations and breaking connection between terrorists, their followers, and sympathisers till achieving peaceful and stable environment.”

Asserting that the writ of the state will be established at all costs and that nobody will be permitted to undermine the hard-won victories of the war on terror that Pakistan achieved after the country and its armed forces made unmatched sacrifices, Prime Minister Shehbaz was flanked by Defense Minister Khawaja Asif and the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Asim Munir.

After the Bannu operation, Haleem Khan of the Pakistani Army accepted martyrdom by dying from wounds he received while killing terrorists at the CTD complex.

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